STUDIO 721 showcase

march 1st - 7PM




We’re happy to announce that portions of the showcase ticket sales will benefit the Center Stage Outreach Team, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to giving back to the community through the art of dance.

1. There will be 4 Large Group Pieces open to sign ups first come first serve: Julia’s Piece (Contemporary) Brogan’s Piece (Modern) Maggie’s Piece (Musical Theater Jazz) Shelby’s Piece (Hip Hop)
2. There will be 4 Small Group Pieces that are by invitation only. Auditions for these pieces will take place
September 15 from 1-4PM ***at Center Stage Dance Academy in Sagamore Beach*** These pieces are as follows: Julia (Contemporary) Brogan (Modern) Maggie (Tap) Shelby (Jazz Funk).
3. Participants must be available March 1 for a 7PM show as well as a Tech Rehearsal that same day during the early afternoon (time TBD, working time is 11AM - 1PM)
4. Participants are responsible for costume cost
5. Must be able to commit to rehearsal times as posted - once purchased, there will be no refunds for absences. However, we know that things come up especially as busy adults, so do not hesitate to sign up if you know you are going to miss a rehearsal. We are more than willing to send video if you are unable to attend a rehearsal.
6. Depending on number of people, we may have additional rehearsals at Center Stage at no cost to you, which will be determined closer to Show date.
7. Dress Rehearsals which are included in cost will be the week of Feb 24-Feb 27 during the evening at the same time as Showcase rehearsals

8. The price of each Large Group Piece is $180, which includes 8 rehearsals and 1 Dress rehearsal. At checkout, you have the option to pay in full or use a payment plan at $36 a month for five months.

9. All participants will receive an Inaugural Showcase T Shirt with cast listing.

Dates are as follows:

Large Groups:
Brogan’s Large Group Modern, 6:15-7:15PM:
MONDAYS Oct 7, Oct 21, Nov 4, Dec 2, Dec 16, Jan 13, Jan 27, Feb 10, Feb 24 Dress Rehearsal

Shelby’s Large Group Hip Hop, 6:15-7:15PM: TUESDAYS Oct 15, Oct 29, Nov 12, Dec 3, Dec 17, Jan 7, Jan 21, Feb 4, Feb 25 Dress Rehearsal

Julia’s Large Group Contemporary 5:15-6:15PM: WEDNESDAYS Oct 16, Oct 30, Nov 13, Dec 4, Dec 18, Jan 8, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 26 Dress Rehearsal

Maggie’s Large Group Musical Theater Jazz 6:30-7:30PM: THURSDAYS Oct 10, Oct 24, Nov 7, Dec 5, Dec 19, Jan 16, Jan 30, Feb 13, Feb 27 Dress Rehearsal

Small Group Dates:

Brogan’s Small Group Modern 7:15-8:15PM: MONDAYS Oct 7, Oct 21, Nov 4, Dec 2, Dec 16, Jan 13, Jan 27, Feb 10, Feb 24 Dress Rehearsal

Shelby’s Small Group Jazz Funk 7:15-8:15PM: MONDAYS:*Oct 14, Oct 28, Nov 11, TUESDAYS: Dec 3, Dec 17, MONDAYS: Jan 6, Jan 20, Feb 3, TUESDAY: Feb 25 Dress Rehearsal

Julia’s Small Group Contemporary 6:15-7:15PM: WEDNESDAYS Oct 16, Oct 30, Nov 13, Dec 4, Dec 18, Jan 8, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 26 Dress Rehearsal

Maggie’s Small Group Tap 7:30PM-8:30PM: THURSDAYS Oct 10, Oct 24, Nov 7, Dec 5, Dec 19, Jan 16, Jan 30, Feb 13, Feb 27 Dress Rehearsal

sign up for a large group piece here:

click the date of the first rehearsal of the large group you’d like to sign up for (see dates above). From there you’ll have the option to pay for the course in full or select a payment plan.

sign up for the small group audition here: